Oza the Water guy
This is Oza, he is our water guy. He brings us fresh water in a container twice a week. He charges us 25 000 rupiah (15,5 SEK or 1,7 USD), which I have heard from our neighbors is too much, but I never contested the price. I am actually grateful that someone can help us moving water for us, that bottle is heavy.

Oza has this as his full-time business, every day he transports a water container, at a time, on his scooter, and drives it to the residence of various apartment complexes.
So why do we need water guy? In Sweden we are spoiled with mineral water coming out of our cranes and we are even flushing our toilets with it. Here we are recommended not to even brush our teeth with the crane water. In some parts of Jakarta, the situation is even worse, water from the crane is not even available from time to time because of water rationing. Could it get worse?

Yes, millions of Indonesians have no access to clean water whatsoever, because ofthe pollution and the general carelessness of public property. Both companies and citizens dump whatever they want in the rivers. The rivers that used to givewater and fish to remote towns and villages are now toxic, which obviously leads to a bunch of health problems.
Is there any solution to this problem?

OK, is there any sustainable solution to this problem? Of course not! If the water gets clean Oza would lose his business, and that’s how the circle of dirt continues.